Welcome to Department Of Botany,Catholicate College

Department News

Pomum 2025- fruit exhibition  |     Online FDP on NEP orientation & sensitization programme from January 6th onwards  |     Dr. Binoy T. Thomas received the SPR-Springer Prof. Y.S.R. K. Sarma Memorial National Research Award 2024 in recognition of significant contributions to the field of Phycology.  |     Mou focusing on environmental protection and eco-friendly product promotion signed with Lakshya NGO in New Delhi   |     NAAC Re-accredited with A++ in the 4th Cycle...Congratulations  |     Inauguration of Curiosity council and Co-incubation centre 2023  |     International Mango Day Celebrated  |     Talk with Alumni - Sri. Thomas Varghese (1974-1977) delivered a talk  |     Celebrated Vanamaholsav in collaboration with NSS unit  |     Extension Activity- Health & Home care programme- Distribution of Murraya- Netaji Higher Seconday School  |     Adarsh, first year MSc Botany got internship at IIT Roorkie  |     MoU with Ecological Commission of Malankara Orthodox Churches  |     Haritha Sabha observed  |     Rank holders in B.Sc. Botany (2022-2023) Ashly K. Mathew & Jomol S. Jose  |     CATH IDEATHON 2022 FINAL RESULTS FIRST PRIZE: ANJU RAJAN, KARTHIK VINODAN, RISHI M Research Scholars, Dept. of Physics, Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta, SECOND PRIZE: AHALYA RAVI, AMRITA VIJAYAN B.Sc Second Year , Dept. of Physics, Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta   |     Two-day Inter National Conference on Emerging Trends in Plant Science Research on 6th and 7th March 2023. https://forms.gle/tmiKHgcgwDCXaywb6   |     Bhadra Nair secured second prize for the quiz program conducted by St Thomas College, Ranni  |     MoU signed with St.Thomas College, Bhilai  |     MoU signed with BIIC, MG University  |     POPULAR SCIENCE LECTURE ORGANISED BY Dr. EK JANAKI AMMAL CHAIR  |     INAUGURATION OF Dr .E.K. JANAKI AMMAL CHAIR ON 04/01/2023  |     Keep working hard and persevere to achieve your desired success. Happy New Year 2023  |     National Idea Challenge 2022 organized by Curiosity Council ..for registration ..https://forms.gle/gdgpG4yHy4TQsXUA9  |     As part of the Christmas celebrations 2022, the following competitions will be organized 1.Santa Claus 2.Christmas photos 3.Christmas Card making 4.Carol song (group) 5.Cutlet making (group)  |     FAST & FEAST- A NEW INITIATIVE TO IMPART CHARITY AMONG STUDENTS  |     Education dialogues on Collaborative research and NEP  |     Neela Kurinji photo Exhibition in association with Kerala Biodiversity Board  |     Anti-drug campaigning  |     CURIOSITY COUNCIL CELEBRATES INNOVATION WEEK  |     ALUMNI MEET 2022- 1st October 2022  |     Two-day national workshop on algal biology- 27th & 28th September 2022  |     Onam Celebration 2022  |     Certificate Course on Fruit Preservation Techniques  |     Results of National Photography Competition announced...  |     Walk with Lensman.... Celebrating World Photography Day  |     INNOVATION AMBASSODORS MEET UP  |     Catholicate College inks Student Exchange MoU with Delhi Colege  |     MoU signed with Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences for students exchange and research collaborations  |     Gokul Kumar,D3 Botany (2022) secured A Grade for Photography competition in M.G University Youth festival “Wake up Call 2022”.  |     Gokul G Nair discovered two new fungal species... Congratulations  |     Organised a National Webinar on NEP 2020 in collaboration with Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, Newdelhi, Baselios College, Kottayam, KG College,Pampady & St.Stephens College,Pathanapuram  |     MoU signed with KDISC  |     Entepazhathottam programme at schools begins  |     George Oommen Thomas & Aathira Anil took second rank in Final year BSc Botany Degree 2022  |     2022-23- Exhibition of Spices- in association with Spices Board, Govt of India  |     2022-23- Extension Seminar in connection with World Environment day- In association with Spices Board  |     2022-23- Establishment of Medicinal Garden at Samshti, Maramon  |     The record for making the maximum Maximum number of flowers on CDs was set by Jithy M. T., Alumnus of the department. She got International Book of Records.. Congratulations   |     MoU with DoECC  |     Summer School Programme in Botany  |     Prototypes are released... Phycoscrapper, Algaloxygenator, Wee app...  |     Three MoU signed with Barton Hill Engineering College, TVM  |     National Idea Competition 2021 organized by Curiosity Council  |     MoU signed with CET, TVM   |     MoU signed with Zarrah Biotech, Thrissur   |     MoU signed with TIES, Kottayam   |     Certificate Course on Mushroom Cultivation  |     Talk with Alumni-Monthly Interaction Programme with Students  |     Research Collaborations with Ramanujan College & Baskaracharya College, University of Delhi  |     Co Incubation Centre of BIIC, MG University  |    

Faculty Achievements

New to Science New Taxa Described

  1. Amomum andamanicum V.P. Thomas, M. Dan& M. Sabu (Blumea 55, 2010: 295-299).
  2. Amomum nilgiricum V.P. Thomas&M. Sabu (Phytokeys 8, 2012: 99-104).
  3. Hedychium nagamiense Sanoj, M. Sabu & V.P. Thomas (Bangl. J. Pl. Taxon 18(2) 2011: 169-176).
  4. Chlamydomonasovoidae Ray & TT Binoy (Res. J. Soil Biology 4: 2012.42-68.)
  5. Cylindrocystischavarae Ray & TT Binoy (Res. J. Soil Biology 4: 2012.42-68.)
  6. Peniumgregoriouse Ray & TT Binoy (Res. J. Soil Biology 4: 2012.42-68.)
  7. Royacatholicatae Ray & TT Binoy (Res. J. Soil Biology 4: 2012.42-68.)
  8. Stichococcusthannithode Ray & BinoyTT  (Res. J. Soil Biology 4: 2012.42-68.)
  9. Chlamydomonasdeasoniivar. micro Ray & Binoy TT (Res. J. Soil Biology 4: 2012.42-68.)
  10. Oscillatoriathannithode Ray & Binoy TT  (Research J. Soil Biology 4:2012.42-68)
  11. Amomum agastyamalayanum V.P. Thomas & M. Sabu (Edinburgh J. Bot. 69(2): 2012. 313-321).
  12. Amomum newmanii M. Sabu & V.P. Thomas (Edinburgh J. Bot. 69(2): 2012. 313-321).
  13. Amomum carnosum V.P. Thomas & M. Sabu (Kew Bulletin 67: 2012.549-553)
  14. Amomum sahyadricum V.P. Thomas & M. Sabu (Novon 22: 2013.321-324)
  15. Amomum dampuianum V.P.Thomas, M.Sabu & H.Lalramnghing.(Nordic J. Bot.31:561-568)
  16. Amomum mizoramense M. Sabu, V.P. Thomas & L. Vanchhawng (Nordic J Bot 31:5.2013.61-568)
  17. Amomum sabuanum V.P. Thomas, Nissar & U. Gupta (Phytotaxa 159(2):2014.122-126)        
  18. Amomumkingiivar. oblongum V.P. Thomas & M. Sabu (Phytotaxa220(1): 2015.089–094)
  19. Amomummeghalayense V.P. Thomas, M.Sabu&Sanoj (Phytotaxa245(2): 2016.178–182) 
  20. Arundinellamuthikulamensis Sunil, K.M.P. Kumar & V.P. Thomas (Webbia72(1):101–104) 
  21. IsachnemanilalianaSunil, K.M.P. Kumar & V.P. Thomas (Webbia72(2): 2017) 
  22. AmomumnagamienseV.P. Thomas & M. Sabu (Taiwania 64(1): 9-12: 2019) 
  23. GlobbakanchigandhiiA. Joe & M. Sabu (Taiwania 64(1): 4-8: 2019)
  24. Amomum subulatum‘Dzongu’V.P. Thomas, M.Sabu(Rheedea 19 (1&2) 2009: 25-36)
  25. Amomumsubulatum‘Green Golsey’ V.P. Thomas, M.Sabu(Rheedea19 (1&2) 2009: 25-36
  26. Amomum subulatum‘Sawney’ V.P. Thomas, M.Sabu(Rheedea 19 (1&2) 2009: 25-36)
  27. Amomum subulatum‘Seremna’ V.P. Thomas, M.Sabu(Rheedea 19 (1&2) 2009: 25-36)
  28. Amomumsubulatum ‘Varlangey’V.P. Thomas, M.Sabu(Rheedea19 (1&2) 2009: 25-36)
  29. Trentepohliagaviensis Binoy T T, Bhagya MV & VP Thomas(Taiwania. 2019.64.103)
  30. Eolimna minima var. undulatae Ray & TT Binoy. (The Journal of Ecology 465- 475,2016)
  31. PrillieuxinaaporosaeG. N. Gokul, J. Thomas & N. Mathew (Phytotaxa487 (2). 2020:177.)



Name of the Faculty

Name of Award

Awarding Agency



Dr. Thomas VP

Dr. S. Vasudev Award

Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment



Dr. Thomas VP

Kerala Science Congress- Best Poster Award

Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment



Dr. Thomas VP

Indian Biodiversity Congress- Best Poster Award

Centre for Innovation in Science and Social Action



Dr. Thomas VP

International Association of Plant Taxonomy Award

International Association of Plant Taxonomy



Dr. Thomas VP

Dr. C. Chandrasekharan Memorial Gold Medal

Kerala Forest Research Institute



Dr. Binoy T. Thomas

Best paper presentation Award- ICNSE

ICNSE, Dubai



Dr. Binoy T. Thomas

Thomas Edison Award

International Journal of Agriculture



Dr. Thomas VP

Fellow of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy (FIAT)

Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy



Dr. Thomas VP

Rolla S. Rao Award

Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy



Dr. Binoy T Thomas received the fellowship from the Indian National Science Academy in the year 2022 


1. A new Species of Black Mildew Causing Fungus Meliola konniensis (Meliolales) from Agasthyamalai Biosphere Reserve, India

2. A new species of Ectendomeliola (Meliolales) from Western Ghats, India

Best poster presentation Award

Dr.Nisha Joseph secured 2nd position in poster presentation at National level on Conservation, Management and Utilization of Horticultural Genetic Resources for livelihood and Nutrional security dated  Nov 22-26, 2021 organized by ICAR-IIHR Bangalore.

Ginger House- Lead Investigator- Dr. Thomas VP

Established in 2016 with the financial assistance of KSCSTE

Phycotechnology Laboratory- Lead investigator- Dr. Binoy T Thomas

Established in 2016 with the financial assistance of KSCSTE

Prototypes-lead Investigators-Dr.Binoy T Thomas & Dr.Thomas VP


1. Bio-oxygenator

A protype which will act as an algal cultural container for purifying the closed room. This device can be used for residential, industrial and research activities.

  1. Bio-oxygenator- Mobile App

Algal growth and its photosynthesis in Bio-oxygenator are regulated by an app installed in the mobile.

  1. Herbarium Mobile Application

A product which enables the botanists to feed the data directly in the database from the field. The data will feed into the mobile and generate QR codes and labels for the preparation of mini herbaria

  1. Phycoscrapper

It is a device that can be used for the study of terrestrial algae. It has a number of sensors to detect the growing conditions of the algae under study, including temperature, light intensity, humidity and this data could be saved to SD card.

  1. Phycoscrapper-Mobile APP

The device can take photographs which will be controlled by the user using a mobile application developed for this device.

  1. Web Application

The web application created aids in visualising the data collected as bar and line charts. The device uses Arduino Uno R3 as its Microcontroller Unit (MCU).

Patent application submitted- Dr. Binoy T Thomas & Dr. Thomas VP

Patent Application Published, Application Number- 202241035059, Journal Number- 30/2022, Journal Date: 29/07/2022 -Indian Patent Office

IPR Submission- Dr. Binoy T Thomas & Dr.Thomas vp

An IPR application was filed (INBA 3202203698) to National Biodiversity Authority

Dr. Binoy T. Thomas received the SPR-Springer Prof. Y.S.R. K. Sarma Memorial National Research Award

Dr. Binoy T. Thomas received the SPR-Springer Prof. Y.S.R. K. Sarma Memorial National Research Award 2024 in recognition of significant contributions to the field of Phycology.