tvastra 2k18 - Oct 12

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Catholicate College, under the auspices of Department of Computer Application is conducting the great inter collegiate techfest - "tvastra 2k18" on the 12th of October 2018 . tvāṣṭra (creative) as the name suggests strives to ignite the young minds of the software industry.It is more than a HACKATHON-[more_discipline] [more_impact] [more_fun]. The Activities include PC Gaming, Blind Coding, Web Designing,IT Quiz,Word Hunt,Treasure Hunt. In accordance with the great event, the students of III BCA along with the staff under the prime leadership of HOD,Dr Sunil Jacob has developed a website, www.tvastra2k18.ml/ where the students from different colleges can register,can check for the technical/non-technical events. The BCA Department took the privilege to invite Our Principal, Dr.Mathew P.Joseph to officially inaugurate the website.And on this special day -22/09/2018- Hon'ble Principal inaugurated the website and he added, through this site,many students can register and can interact with the intellectuals and let them reach up the higher horizons in the field of Web Technology/Softwares with this event as the first platform towards achieving their goals. Let this event be a memorable one in the history of Catholicate College and we welcome students from all colleges to come,participate and make this venture a grand success!!!